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So fermentiert man Kimchi richtig

How to ferment kimchi properly

What is kimchi? Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish made from fermented vegetables, most commonly Chinese cabbage and radish. It is prepared with a variety of spices and ingredients such as g...

Dalgona: Die koreanische Art, deinen Kaffee aufzuwerten!

Dalgona: The Korean way to upgrade your coffee!

Dalgona coffee is a special coffee specialty made from sugar, instant coffee and milk that became famous all over the world from South Korea in early 2020. Since it can be made at home and the Coro...

Lerne die koreanische Schrift Hangul in einer Stunde!

Learn the Korean Hangul script in an hour!

Did you know that you can learn Korean writing in under an hour? It is structured much more logically than Chinese or Japanese characters and is even simpler than the Latin alphabet! The Korean sc...